Edit a Material in a Building Component

You can edit the rendering material of an individual face in a model by changing the material to another or by editing its properties. This information is stored in the model. The default rendering material connected to the material category of the surface remains the same.

  1. Activate the model window.
  2. Select Rendering | Surface Texture | Edit by Volume.
  3. Select the surface.

    The Rendering Material dialog box opens. The dialog box field Material category shows the material category of the face you selected. The name of the rendering material is displayed in the Material name field.

  4. Change or edit the material in the dialog box.

    Rendering Material Dialog Box

  5. Quit by pressing the Esc key.


  • You can restore the default rendering material connected to the category of the surface with the function Restore Default Materials.
  • You can also select this function in the object tree. Select the object tree title Rendering. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select Edit Rendering Material.