Dimensioning to a Tangential Point

Dimensioning to a tangential point can be used with arcs that have an angle smaller than 180 degrees.

  • The tangential point is the intersection point of the tangents, drawn at the end points of an arc.
  • The dimension added to a tangential point is updated, but cannot act as a constraint.
  • You can select the tangential point in the basic dimensioning, chain, baseline and continuous baseline dimensioning.

  1. On the tab, in the Dimensions group, select Dimension, and select Dimension.
  2. Add dimensions by selecting verticals, arcs, circles, ellipses, splines.
  3. First, move the cursor over the arc (A). A snap to the arc is visualized with a cross-line.
  4. Move the cursor close to the tangential point (B) and select the point.
  5. Continue dimensioning.
  • The drawing of the extend lines onto the tangential point can be allowed or disallowed in the dimensioning settings.

Example 1 - Dimensioning to a tangential point of an inner arc - two arcs close to each other

The problem is, that the arcs are close to each other.

  1. On the tab, in the Dimensions group, select Dimension, and select Dimension.
  2. Move the cursor to the inner arc's side. The center point of the arc is shown.

  3. Press the Shift key, and move the cursor over the inner arc.

  4. Release the Shift key. Move the cursor horizontally. The tangent point becomes visible.

  5. Select the line to which you wish to dimension from the tangent point.
  6. After selecting the line, click the location of the dimension.

  7. Select Confirm.

Example 2 - Dimensioning to a tangential point of an outer arc - two arcs close to each other

  1. On the tab, in the Dimensions group, select Dimension, and select Dimension.
  2. Move the cursor to the inside of the outer arc. The center point of the arc is shown.

  3. Select the line to which you wish to dimension from the tangent point.
  4. After selecting the line, click the location of the dimension.

  5. Select Confirm.