Edit the Building Data Card

You can edit the data card of an open building in the following ways:

  • Select Archives | Buildings | Edit Data.
  • Select the function in the building's document browser:
    1. Open the branch Settings.
    2. Double-click Building data card.

Initial information has been typed in the data card during building creation and updated as the design work proceeds. The information is saved in the building archive.

Building Data Card

  • You can edit the data card of a building checked out from the DesignStream system only when you are logged in the system. When you open the data card, the data is loaded from the DesignStream system. The modifications are updated in the DesignStream system when you close the data card. If you are not connected to the DesignStream system, you can open the data card for viewing, but you cannot edit its fields. Simultaneous changes made to the data card in the DesignStream system override the changes made in the Vertex BD application.
  • If another user has reserved the building's data card in the DesignStream system, you cannot edit the card in the Vertex BD application. Correspondingly, if the data card is open in the Vertex BD application, another user cannot edit the data in the DesignStream system.