Add a Drawing Sheet

  1. When there is a schematic drawing in the active window, add a Drawing Form.
  2. Select the context-sensitive function Add Drawing Form.

Select a drawing form dialog box

  1. Select drawing sheet's name from the drop-down menu. With buttons Prev. and Next you can scroll the sheets.
  2. You can select Use default form from drawing archive, when given.
  3. If the old drawing form is not available in the list, select a form and Add a new form, even if old one was not found. The old drawing form in the drawing is updated to the form you selected.
  4. You can select Use drawing form for drawing limits. Otherwise the software uses drawing's elements for drawing limits.
  5. You can select Update drawing form parametric texts.
  6. Click OK.

Add a drawing form from the browser.

  1. Enter search word to the search field in browser. Enter the search criteria and select Search All Fields.
  2. Select a form in the search result and select the context-sensitive Add.
  3. Indicate location for the form, if it does not locate itself.
  4. Select Confirm.

Add a Drawing Sheet - Sheet operations

  • If you use Sheet operations, a form is asked for the first sheet. When using the sheet operations, you can also use a sheet defined in the archives card of the drawing. In the drawing card you will see the number of the sheet, and in the projection specific / common projection settings, is told the name to each sheet number.