Pipeline Properties (3D)

Piping Design

You can copy the properties from an existing component by selecting Copy properties.

  1. On the tab, in the Properties group, select:
    • Using pipe classes
    • Using materials
    • Diameter
    • Wall thickness
    • Bend Radius
    • Item Code
    • Elbow item
    • Using elbows
    • Using bends
    • Using insulations (G4 plant design only)
  2. On the Component-group Add pipe component.
  3. On the Component-group click Color.
    Note: The choice of color follows the same principle as the general choice of color for parts. Selecting a color from the old VxColor palette is no longer possible.
    • The color is selected in the rendering material dialog box.
    • You can select the rendering material by browsing the rendering materials. Old VxColor palette colors can be found in the rendering library folder Vertex palette.
    • You can pick the rendering material from the selected surface.

    • You can restore the default rendering material.

    • You can set the default rendering material for pipe components in the pipe component database d_PIPECOMPONENTS, page 4. If the default rendering material is defined, it is used. Otherwise, the default rendering material of the pipeline is used, which in turn is VxColor_146 by default.

    • Old numeric values (referring to the colors in the old VxColor palette) still work in the COLOR field of the database, i.e., a number in the field, e.g. "6", refers to "VxColor_6" in the rendering material library.
    • Color selection works in the same way in the G4Plant application for ducts, pipes, cable ladders and platforms.
  4. In the Positions group, select Line position.
  5. In the Tools group, select Set connection tolerances.
  • If you select in the adding of the pipeline Using bends, edit the bending radius on the Piping tab, in the Properties group field.
  • Material filed is replaced by the Pipe Class field in Vertex G4 Plant and Vertex BD products.
  • The software stores the defined properties for the next restart.