Edit the Building Component Punch


In the building model there can be components which go through a surface without making a hole to the surface. An example of such a component could be a chimney passing through a roof. You can add a hole to a structure at the location of the penetrating component as follows:

  1. Select a component. You can select several components with the Ctrl key pressed down.
  2. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  3. Select Edit Punch.
  4. Select the structure – a roof slope, for example. You can select several structures.
  5. Select Confirm.

Alternatively, you can select the function from the context-sensitive menu of a structure:

  1. Select the structure – a roof slope, for example. Press and hold the Ctrl key to select several structures.
  2. Select Plane Structure | Volume | Hole Edit Punch.
  3. Select the building component. You can select several components.
  4. Select Confirm.

Edit the Selections

You can edit the selections by reselecting the function. The selected structures and components are highlighted in the model. Select more structures/components, or remove an earlier selected structure/component.