Add Parts
You can add parts to those structural layers for which a framing tool has been defined and the parts of which are not protected. The structure can be a panel (wall, floor or roof panel) or horizontal structure framing.
- Do one of the following:
- Select one or more panel (wall, floor or roof panel). The parts are added to all layers of the panel.
- Select one or more horizontal structure. The parts will only be added to the basic layer if the presentation method of the structure is a packed basic volume. The parts will be added to all layers if the layers are expanded into view.
- First, select the structure, and then the layer. The parts are only added to the selected layer. This requires that the exploded positions have been expanded into view.
- Do one of the following:
- Select Panel | Framing |
Generate Parts.
- Select Plane Structure | Framing |
Generate Parts.
- Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select
Generate Parts.
The program will generate the parts in the framing model.
The joints and basic notchings are created automatically. The joint will be maintained through parts transfer.
- Select Panel | Framing |
- You can also select Modeling | Panel |
Wall >
Generate Parts or Modeling | Panel |
Floor >
Generate Parts. Select the wall panels or areas to which parts will be generated.
- The cross sections of wall panel studs are displayed on layer 169 in the floor plan drawing.
- After creating parts, any changes to openings are not updated to the wall panel parts automatically. If you add or move openings, regenerate the parts.
- If you move an opening from one wall panel to another, first connect the opening to the new panel using the Update Connected Parts function and then regenerate the parts of both panels.