Copy Details From Another Project

If you have saved details in a project-specific detail archive, you can copy them to another open project. The drawings of the selected details are copied to the details archive of the open project, and the data of the details to the project’s detail database.

  1. Select Modeling | Drafting | Details > Copy Details From Another Project.
  2. Select the project from which the details will be copied.
  3. Select the details to be copied.
  4. If details of the same name already exist in the details archive of the open project, you will be prompted: "Detail [detail name] already exists in active project. Overwrite detail?" Select one of the following:
    • Yes - Confirm overwriting details one by one.
    • Yes to All - Confirm overwriting all details at once.
    • No - Cancel overwriting details one by one.
    • No to All - Cancel overwriting all details at once.