Edit a Template Drawing


Open a template drawing in the customer-specific library for editing as follows:

  1. Select System | Libraries | Libraries.
  2. Open the branch Custom Libraries / Outputs / Stack Template Drawings.
  3. Select a library.
  4. Select a template drawing in the right side browser pane.
  5. Right-click and select Properties.

    The Stack Template Drawings dialog box opens. The thumbnail of the template drawing is activated. If necessary, you can select the thumbnail of another template drawing.

  6. Click the Open button.
  7. Click OK to close the Stack Template Drawings dialog box.
  8. Close the library browser.
  9. Edit the template drawing. For example, you can edit view areas and view properties, or add text.
  10. Close the template drawing and save the changes.
  • System tab is only available if you are a system administrator.