Archive Buildings
Compress the files of a selected building into a VXZ file, and at the same time remove the files from the building folder to save disc space.
- Select Archives | Buildings |
Archive Buildings With File Compression.
- Select the buildings to be archived from a list. The list displays only the buildings that have not yet been archived, and are closed at the moment.
The program archives a building by compressing all its files into an Archive.vxz file in the building folder. Later, when you open the building, the program will extract the files into the building folder and remove the VXZ file.
- You may also use an external ZIP file manager program to uncompress the Archive.vxz file. In this case however, be sure to delete the Archive.vxz file in the building folder. Otherwise the program will go on assuming that the building is compressed.
- You can also archive a building when you are closing it by selecting the check box Compress building files in the Close Building dialog box.
- You can save a building into a VXZ file without removing its files by selecting
Archives | Buildings |