Pneumatic Cylinders

This function create a side image to a clip of the cylinder in the drawing. The side image of the cylinder is added as a group. The function contains compressed air series Pimatic PIC, Pimatic PT, Pimatic PL, Mecman 167 ja AVS 39. Cylinder series and its data you select from the file menu.

  1. Open the Browser Browser - Archives.
  2. Select Libraries, open the folder Symbols.
  3. Open the folder Constants, and select Tool Box.
  4. Select in the search result Pneumatic Cylinders, and select Add.
  5. Select the file name of the pneumatic cylinders in the list, and select OK.
  6. Select the cylinder serie.
    • Select the nominal length.
    • Select the fix of the rear end.
    • Select the fix of the rear end.
    • Select the fix of the front part.
    • Select the fix of the arm end.
  7. Select the positioning auxiliary function.
  8. Select the position of the component in the drawing.
  9. Select Confirm.