Group Parts into a Local Assembly

You can group parts of an assembly into a local subassembly, for example by type or purpose.

The grouping has the following benefits:

  • The parts of a local subassembly can be printed out into a higher-level parts list just like they were parts of the main assembly.
  • You can easily see the subassemblies into which parts have been grouped from the assembly tree.
    • You can add the parts into a single subassembly. For example, the subassembly contains screws, washers and nuts.
    • Parts can be grouped into more than one subassembly by their purpose or type. For example, profiles could be in their own subassembly and screws in theirs. You can freely name the subassemblies, making them easy to identify under the assembly.
  •  In an assembly, parts are fixed in relation to each other.
  • The parts of a local assembly are printed out in an upper-level parts list if the following definitions have been made.
    1. The subassembly is a local assembly.
    2. The subassembly has the Explode to Parts List property.