Terrain Properties Dialog Box

You can select the properties of a terrain being added or edited in the dialog box.

The coordinates (X,Y,Z) of the terrain points in the model's coordinate system are displayed in the list field. When you select a point in the list, it is highlighted in the model window.
Click the button, when you want to add terrain points. You can define the height of the points in the following ways:
  • Digitized - Click the points in the model.
  • Relative - Enter the height of the point in relation to the model's origin in the Active z-height [m] field, and click a point.
Click the points or lines, which will obtain the given height. You can cancel the last added point by pressing Ctrl+Z.
Select Confirm. The coordinates of the clicked points will be displayed in the list field in the dialog box. Click again Add, click the points and select Confirm.
After the Confirm function, you can continue adding, moving or deleting points.
Click the button, when you want to move terrain points. Select a point to be moved, and select its location.
You can cancel the last moved point by pressing Ctrl+Z.
Select the Confirm function, and continue adding, moving or deleting points.
Click the button, when you want to delete terrain points. Click the points to be deleted. You can select several terrain points by drawing an area with the cursor.
You can cancel the last deleted point by pressing Ctrl+Z.
Select the Confirm function, and continue adding, moving or deleting points.
Thickness of ground [m]
The thickness of the modeled ground layer (d) at the lowest terrain point. If the value is 0, the terrain consists of just the surface in the model.
Material to ground
Select the material (A) of the ground surface, used in OpenGL shading and model visualization, from the list. The list contains a number of pre-selected LightWorks materials. You can select any LightWorks material by selecting the final option on the list, More. Select the material from the browser.
Material to section
Select the material for the ground section (B), used in OpenGL shading and model visualization, from the list. The list contains a number of pre-selected LightWorks materials. You can select any LightWorks material by selecting the final option on the list, More. Select the material from the browser.