Defines the output format, amount of compiled data and transfering of the parts list. Define the data in the dialog box.
- Dialog box options
- Bill of Materials - Profiles
Dialog box options
- Output format
- Defines the output format of the data compiled in a parts list. Select as the output format for example Parts list+(XML).xlsm (prints Excel base), Parts list to the file or Excel. If the drawing has a form, the parts list can be output to a picture. When outputting to a file, specify a name and saving location for the file.
- As the profile parts output format you can select CuttingList+(XML).xlsm (prints to Excel template), Cutting list, Cutting list to Excel or Ilustrated Cutting List. Other output formats are, for example, Parts list to file, All in one and Price list to Excel.
- You will find an example file of the output fromats - (XML).xlsm -in the Vertex-folder: system/forms/template/PartsList.
- Using the Area Summary you can output a total surface area of an assembly model, when the surface areas are calculated by parts.
Calculate Surface Area and Print to Item Data
- Using the Parts List with Images output format you can collect an illustrated parts list from an assembly model, containing thumbnail images of parts and subassemblies next to the item data. An illustrated parts list is a 2D drawing.
Create a Thumbnail Image for an Illustrated Parts List
- Using the Welds output you can automatically print a welding list of an assembly. This requires that the necessary data is defined in the item data of welds.
Assembly Welding List
- Using the Parts list to drawing - Foreign Language Texts 1 and Parts list to drawing - Foreign Language Texts 2 output formats you can collect a parts list to a drawing in different languages.
Print a Parts List in Different Languages
- We recommend the editing of output formats to be done as a customer fitting.
- Roll-out
- Defines the amount of data collected in a parts list.
- The selected collection and roll-out methods are saved
- The selected collection and roll-out methods, and also language version are saved drawing-specifically in the header of a table-format parts list. The collection method changes if you select another roll-out method.
- If you refresh a drawing by pressing the F5 key or select on the
Update, the drawing is updated based on the selected collection method. Requires the keyword value set.refresh.plist= 1 in the user/Setup settings file.
- Select one of the following in the Roll-out filed:
- No Roll-out - The data for highest-level parts and subassemblies in a model drawing is collected on the parts list without substructures. In self-drawn drawings, data is collected on the parts list without substructures.
- First Level Roll-out - The data for highest-level parts and subassemblies and their first-level substructure, including material data, is collected on the parts list.
- No Material Level - The data for parts and subassemblies and their substructures are collected on the parts list without material data.
- Roll-out to the End - The data for parts and subassemblies in a model drawing including substructures and material data are collected on the parts list. In self-drawn drawings, data is collected on the parts list including substructures.
- Configuration
- Defines the configuration-specific collection of a parts list from an assembly model. Hidden parts and data will not be collected on the parts list. Drawing data will be updated according to the selected configuration. Cutting List with Images can also be configuration-specific.
- All Configurations
- When this checkbox is selected, the item data and hidden parts of all configurations of the assembly model are collected on the drawing's parts list. Material data from all configurations is collected for the part model. Otherwise, parts list data for the active configuration is collected for the parts list.
- Print Configuration Table
- When this checkbox is selected, the configuration table is added on the sheet next to the parts list. Configuration-specific items and their quantities are printed into the table. If no item has been specifically defined for a configuration, the configuration's label is displayed in the table. This function is available when the All Configurations option has been selected.
- The configuration table can be printed when output to a drawing has been selected as the output format, for example Parts List to Drawing and No Roll-out.
- Table drawing
- If a model is a table model, you can define its drawing as a table drawing by selecting this checkbox. As a result, a drawing created as a table drawing is connected to each configuration created from the model. The drawing is displayed for all configurations of the model.
- Additionally, the table drawing uses the item of the table model. In the archives data of the drawing, in the Item field, the table model's item is displayed as item data. When a drawing is defined as a table drawing, the item is no longer unambiguous, because there are configuration-specific table items for the drawing. A table drawing can process all configuration-specific items with the Transfer to Product Database function. A table drawing is also displayed in the feature tree of a part and the assembly tree for all configurations of the model.
- If a drawing is not defined as a table drawing, the archives data of a configuration-specific drawing shows the item data of the configuration to which the drawing is connected.
Parts Lists for Product Variants
Configuration-specific Item Data into a Parts List
- Transfer to Product Database
- Defines the part/assembly to be transferred into a product structure when this checkbox is selected. This function is available when the drawing has been saved in the drawing archive and item data is connected to the assembly. The transfer is performed on the item of a configuration-specific drawing.
- When a model is active, the transfer is performed on the item of the active configuration. In case of a table model or a table drawing, the transfer is performed on all configuration-specific items.
- This function is available for a designed drawing when the drawing has been saved in the drawing archive and item data is connected to the drawing.
- Collect from Flow, Flow structure transfer
- Flow Data management property.
- Numbered only
- This is a Flow option. If the check box is selected, the software collects from Flow only the parts that have a part number in the drawing to a bill of materials.
Bill of Materials - Profiles
The software examines the profiles' congruence and identical profiles get the same part number. The software considers the profiles with same lenghts and forms as identical, if:
- The absolute values of profile ends' cutting angles are identical. (Even though they would locate in different ends).
- The profiles' masses are the same. For example if there is a hole in a profile, but not in another, the software considers the profiles different.