Create Multi-page Drawings


  • You can create multi-page drawings starting from version 29.0.00 (Vertex 2023).
  • A drawing becomes multi-page when you add more than one sheet to it.
  • A multi-page drawing consists of one file in which all its drawings have the same drawing number, but have their own page number (Sheet number).
  • The page number (sheet number) of the drawing is determined by the order in which the sheet is added, in which case the first added sheet gets sheet number 1, the next 2, etc.
  • You can edit the page numbers of the sheets through the drawing feature tree, by selecting the drawing sheet and the context-sensitive function Properties.
  • To work, this requires a drawing sheet with sheet numbers included. Such forms were introduced in Vertex G4 version 28.0.00 (Vertex 2022) and can be found in the folder Sheets_ISO7200.
  • If you are using Vertex G4, which was first installed with version 21.0.XX (Vertex 2021) or older, and you want to use sheets according to the ISO 7200 standard and/or multi-page sheets, then you should familiarize yourself with the system change needs:

Create a multi-page drawing

  1. Add the first sheet
  2. Add another sheet
    • Drawing limits are set around this sheet.
    • The sheet number 2 is filled in the Sheet number and Sheets fields of the title block.
  3. If necessary, add a third sheet, etc.
    • Drawing limits are set around this sheet.
    • The sheet number 3 is filled in the Sheet number and Sheets fields of the title block, etc.
  4. Update the Sheets fields of older sheets in the drawing, as they are not updated when adding a new sheet.
    • Press the F5 key or
    • select the context-sensitive function Update.

Note: When printing a multi-page drawing, you can print all pages at once or select the page you want to print by adding its number or numbers in the Pages field.