View Draw Settings: Shading
You can select shading as the drawing method of the views presented in elevation and section drawings.
Additionally, you can select the following properties for the drawing method:
- Add Wireframe - Adds wireframe rendering to the view.
- Edges - Adds edge lines to the view.
- Background - Adds a background color to the view, if a background other than white is selected.
- Transparency - Makes the windows transparent. Note that only the elements selected for inclusion in the drawing generation model are visible through the window.
- Textures - Adds material texturing to the view.
You can define the maximum view size in pixels for the shading and LightWorks shading methods at Max Size in Pixels. The recommended pixel resolution is 1600-2000, 5000 at most. The higher the resolution, the more precisely the view will be rendered. Note that a high pixel resolution makes refreshing a view in a drawing much slower.