Shape Parameters of a Standard Truss

Architectural, Framer

You can set the standard truss parameters in the dialog box.

On slope, Inside
The parameter affects the height of end trusses in a hip roof.
  • On slope - The center line of the truss is on the plane of the hip end slope.
  • Inside - The truss is entirely inside the slope.
Heels, Eave step
The shape of the eave can be affected by the parameters Heels and Eave step. In the example below, the Heels parameter has been selected for truss A. For truss B, the Heels parameter has also been selected, and a value has been typed for the Eave step parameter (the dimension e below). For truss C, the Heels parameter has not been selected.
Steps, Hip drop
The Steps parameter can be used to define the shape of trusses located on the gable slope of a hip roof. The depth of the step is defined in the Hip drop field.
Eave shape, Overhang cut
The eave shape options are:
  • Default - the roof eave shape will determine the truss eave shape
  • Vertical
  • Perpendicular - the eave is made perpendicular to the slope
With the parameter Overhang cut, the length of the top chord of the truss can be determined to be shorter than it should be according to the architectural plan.