Import an IFC Model As an Object Model
IFC Converter
You can import an IFC model to the project as an object model where individual IFC objects can be handled. It is not possible to copy, stretch or mirror the parts of an imported IFC model. However, you can move, delete and hide IFC parts. You can select IFC objects in the model or in the object tree. You can convert selected IFC objects to Vertex BD objects. This requires the IFC Converter add-on option.
- Open a project or create a new project.
- Select
Import >
IFC Import.
- Select the file in the Windows Open dialog box.
- Select floors and objects to be imported in a dialog box.
The program aims to position the objects to the correct drawing-model pairs according to their height. You can check the drawing-model pair in which the objects are by selecting an object, and then Advanced > Switch to This Drawing-model Pair from the right-click menu.
The IFC model is shown in its own branch in the object tree according to the structure in the IFC file. You can hide parts you don’t want to view. You can also select parts of the same type in the model.