Close a Project

Close an active project by selecting > Close Project or Archives | Buildings | Close. You can save the changes since the last save by selecting Save in the dialog box. The program will save the changes and close the project. You can close the project without saving the changes by clicking the Close button.

Dialog Box Options

Keep only latest version of project
The number of kept versions of the project is defined in the BDSXX keyword group under the keyword max_building_versions. In addition to these versions, the latest autosave version of the project is stored. If you want to keep only the latest version of the project in the project directory, select the Keep only latest version of project check box in the dialog box. The old project versions are then deleted from the project directory.
Compress project files
When you select this check box, the program compresses the files of the project into a VXZ file, and at the same time removes them from the project folder. The program creates the compressed file in the project folder with the name Archive.vxz. You can also create a compressed file by selecting Archives | Buildings | Maintenance Archive Projects With File Compression. Later, when you open the project, the program will extract the files into the project folder and remove the VXZ file.
Export project to VXZ file
When you select this check box, the program will create a compressed VXZ file of the project folder. Select the folder in which you want to save the compressed file. The compressed file is named according to the project, for example Project_Name.vxz. You can also create a compressed file by selecting Archives | Buildings | Export.
Update Preview
Create a preview image of the building model MODEL.vxm in the project folder. The image is a jpg file. The check box is selected by default when the project has changed after it was last saved. The preview image is not updated when you save the project. You can enable the preview image creation also when saving the project by editing the system settings.
Preview Image of Building Model
Store in
If you do not have the DesignStream Interface add-on option, projects are stored in the local project archive and there is no need to choose a storage location.
If the DesignStream Interface add-on option is available to you, and you have logged in the DesignStream system, you can export the project to the DesignStream server. This requires that the project's id has been retrieved from the DesignStream system.
When you are closing a project which is stored in the local project archive and has not yet been exported to the server, select either of the following:
  • Check-In to DesignStream - The project will be compressed into a VXZ file and exported to the server. The project will be removed from the local project archive. You can reopen the project by checking it out from the server. Select the check-in method of the project and the document publication in the Check-In to DesignStream dialog box.
  • Do not Check-In to DesignStream, reserved not unchecked - The project stays in the local project archive, from which you can reopen it for editing.
When you are closing a project you have checked out from the server, select one of the following:
  • Check-In to DesignStream - The project will be compressed into a VXZ file and the changes will be checked in on the server. The project will be removed from the local project archive. You can reopen the project by checking it out from the server. Select the check-in method of the project and the document publication in the Check-In to DesignStream dialog box. You will then return to the Close Project dialog box.
  • Uncheck Project from DesignStream - The project is released on the server and another user can check out the project. Any changes you made will not be checked in on the server. In addition, you will receive the prompt: "Do you want to delete project and project folder from the local archive?" Select either of the following:
    • Yes - The project is deleted from the local project archive. You can reopen the project by checking it out from the server.
    • No - The project remains in the local project archive. If no other user has checked out the project from the server, you can check out the project again for yourself by opening it from the local archive.
  • Keep project reserved from DesignStream - The project stays in the local project archive, from which you can reopen it for editing. Other users cannot check out the project from the server.
Click Save to save the changes made to the project since the last save. The program will save the changes and close the project.
If the project has not changed since the last save, or you do not wish to save the changes, close the project by clicking Close