The Layer Scheme to be Activated in a Drawing

When you save a drawing, information about the active layer and layer groups is also saved in it. When you open a drawing, either the layer scheme saved in the drawing or the default layer scheme will be activated. The layer scheme to be activated has been defined in the system settings with the keyword level_keep.

  • level_keep= 1 - The layer scheme saved in the drawing will be activated.
  • level_keep= 0 - The default layer scheme will be activated. The default layer scheme will be loaded from the system settings. In this case, the color selections made for the layers will not remain, for example.

The default value varies from one Vertex application to another.

The default layer scheme may be either the software supplier’s default layer scheme defined in the system setttings, or a customer-specific default layer scheme saved in a drawing file in the ../custom/setup/layer_templates folder.

The Layer Scheme Saved in the Drawing is Activated

When using the keyword level_keep = 1, keep in mind that changes made to the default layer scheme, such as new layer groups, will not be updated in the drawings. You can update the default layer scheme for drawings of old projects by using the function Restore Default Layer Scheme for the Entire Project.

Template Projects

The layer schemes saved in the drawings have been in use since version 24.0. If the drawings of a template project have been saved with an older version, they do not yet have layer definitions saved. When you create a new project based on such a template project, the default layer scheme is loaded to the drawings.

If the drawings of a template project have been saved with version 24.0 or later, a layer scheme has been saved in them. When level_keep = 1, layer scheme changes are not updated in these template project drawings. In this case, you can update the layer scheme to the drawings of a new project in the following ways:
  • Open the template projects and update the default layer scheme by using the function Restore Default Layer Scheme for the Entire Project.
  • When you create a new project, select Update Layer Scheme in the dialog box to load the current default layer scheme into the drawings of the new project and update the changes made to the layer scheme to the drawings. The selection will be saved, and it will be used whenever you start a new project based on a template project.