Save as a Background Model

Sub Projects

Create a background model as follows:

  1. Select the the building components in the floor plan or in the model.
    Note: Basic geometry (lines, dimensions, hatches, texts) and 2D components formed from basic geometry cannot be selected for the smart model.
  2. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  3. Select Smart Model > Save as Background Model.
  4. If necessary, change the location of the origin point. The origin point will act as a locating point when you add the smart model. Bottom left corner is the default, but you can select any location as follows:
    1. Click the arrow symbol.
    2. Click the new location.
  5. Select Confirm. The New Smart Model dialog box opens.
  6. Make the selections in the New Building dialog box.
    • Enter the building id and name.
    • Select the template building.
    • Select the saving location.
    • If necessary, update the default layer scheme.

    New Building Dialog Box

  7. Confirm by clicking OK.
  8. Save the main model.

The origin point of the background model is represented by an arrow symbol in both the floor plan and the model.