Device Data

Edit the parts list database of the element,from where the data is collected to the device list.

  • The Device Data function updates the data from the component database based on component code before opening the data in the window.
  • If the data contains codes that don't have equivalent codes in the component database, missing components will be displayed in the window.
  • If the symbol has not parts list database, Device Data moves the code data of the symbol to the database to it's own line.

Add Device Data

Add part number data to the parts list database.

  1. Select one symbol, connection line or a part number.
  2. Select the context-sensitive menu function Device Data.
  3. Add or delete device data in the element attribute database (part data).
  4. Select OK.


  • By using the functions Part Data and Device Data you can edit the parts list database of the element, from where the data is collected to the device list.