Plate Texts
You can add multilingual description texts that are either individual, or associated with symbols. In addition to the main language of plate text, you can add 1 to 14 plate texts in foreign languages.
You can define the constant part of a standard text and the variable part of a text. A plate
text can be a single-row or multiple-row. Specify these in the plate texts database.
Browsing and Editing the Plate Texts
If you have edited the Plate Texts Database, update list with function Update.
Add a plate text
- Select
tab, Markings group,
Plate Text. Or Select the symbol, and then select the
Plate Text function from the context-sensitive menu.
- Select the symbol. Selected symbol is highlighted in turquoise color.
The Select text list is opened.
Variable text is between braces { }.
- Refresh the list by selecting Refresh button.
- Do either of the following:
- Select the text from the list and click Select.
- Select text's Search condition. Select the name of the
condition, Device and select OK.
- Click the position of the plate text. Click the symbol, if you want to associate the plate text with one.
- Specify positioning of the plate texts in the drawing.
- If necessary, change the location point of the plate text, or set the text in the direction of an angle.
- Click the position of the plate text.
- Select a variable text in the field.
As an example, the text part n of the library text is replaced with a new text. The text part is similar to all languages.
- Select OK.