Add Angle Constraint in an Assembly

Define the angle between two parts. Select from the both parts faces or lines to define the constraint.

  1. On the tab, in the Constraints group, select Add angle constraint.
  2. Click the first part.
  3. Select the appropriate face or line on the first part.
  4. Click the second part.
  5. Select the appropriate face or line on the second part.
  6. Do either of the following:
    • Select part for rotation axis, and then select the rotation axis.
    • Pass the pointing of rotation axis by selecting Confirm.
  7. Change the value of the angle in the dialog box either of the following:
    • If you have defined a rotation axis for the Angle constraint, you can use the Flip button to edit the content X of the Value field to value 360-X. In this way, the information that the constraint has been flipped is set on the background.
    • Change the value of the angle in Value field.
  8. Select OK.

Change the side of an angle constraint

If a rotation axis is defined for the Angle constraint, you can change its side.

  1. Select the Angle constraint in the lower frame of the assembly tree.
  2. Select Change side.

Assembly Tree

  • You can define the Angle constraint as configuration-specific and set limit values for the dimension constraint. It is possible to specify limit values only, if the constraint involves an axis of rotation. Select a constraint and select the Properties function.

    Edit Constraint

  • You can use this function in the way off you select two parts first, and then select the function Angle. Select the second part Ctrl+right mouse button.
  • Zoom the part view by the Z key to select an element. Zoom all by pressing the A key.
  • Move a part by moving the cursor onto a part, then moving the mouse while holding down the left mouse button.