Create a New Project


  • Using projects is a way to group models and drawings belonging to the same design set under the same folder.
  • The use of projects makes it easier, for example, to transfer certain design sets between the designer's and the principal's Vertex systems.
  • You can create a project by using a separate function or you can create it while you create a new archive document.
  • If you wish to save a document in the working window to a new project, first create a new project, and then save the document as new to the archives. The document will be saved under the project with a new archive name.

Create a New Project

  1. Select the function Archives | Projects | New.
    • Before naming the new project, you can view the old projects, if you select Old projects.
      • This function opens the dialog box Project Data.
      • You can use the scroll bar on the right to scroll through projects or
      • you can open a list of projects by using the function Browse database as a list.
      • The function Cancel returns to entering a new project name.
  2. Enter a label for the new project.
  3. Confirm the label by clicking OK.
    • The program opens the dialog box Project Data.
  4. Fill in some of the project data in the data card.
  5. Click OK to accept the project data and create the project.

Edit the project data

  1. Select Archives | Projects | Data.
    • The program opens the dialog box Project Data.
  2. Edit the project information.
  3. Confirm the project’s data by clicking OK.