Set the Local Coordinate System of a Panel
You can use this function to reset the local coordinate system of a panel or change the viewing direction of a projection displayed in a panel drawing. The local coordinate system of the panel is used in the creation of views added to the panel drawing.
- Select the panel.
- Select Panel | Panel |
Panel Properties.
- Select the symbol to be moved: the origin point of the panel's local coordinate system.
- If necessary, rotate the symbol as follows:
- Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
- Select one of the following:
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Default (the rising direction in an inclined plane)
- Select direction
- Select the start point of the direction line.
- Select the end point of the direction line.
- Select a new location for the symbol.
- Do either of the following:
- Confirm the changes with the Confirm function.
- Cancel the changes by pressing the Esc key.
Note: Before selecting a location for the symbol, you can rotate it to a horizontal or vertical position also by using the cursor keys Arrow right or Arrow left, or by using the buttons
in the auxiliary menu.

Note: You can change the view direction of a wall panel by using the button
Flip in the auxiliary menu. See Change the Viewing Direction of a Wall Panel.