Floor and Roof Panels


You can add panel breaks and panels to a horizontal structure such as a floor, roof or ceiling. A panel is a volume with a shape determined by the horizontal structure and the panel breaks added to it. In addition to the basic layer of the structure, you can include layers above or below it to the panel. You can generate parts, such as a framing or a sheathing, to the panel. You can create panel drawings of the panels, and also part drawings of the framing parts.

Framing Parameters

The framing parameters of floors, roofs and ceilings are defined for each layer separately using a framing tool. The framing tool determines the design rules based on which the parts are added to the layer (joists, sheets).

Framing Tools

Framing Model

In most cases, the panels are created in the framing model. You can open the framing model from the project document browser, for example.

You can set the building components such as beams and columns added to the architectural model also visible in the framing model.

Open a Drawing-model Pair of a Frame

Set the Visibility of a Building Component in Drawing-Model Pairs

Panel Breaks and Panels

Add the panel breaks and panels. When you add the panel breaks, the program generates the geometry defining the shape of the panels, or the space reservations, to the framing model.

Add a Panel Break Line

Add a Panel in a Floor or Roof

Add All Panels

You can also define a frame line or a beam structure consisting of individual profiles as a panel.

Define a Frame Line

Beam Panels

You can form a panel assembly from beam panels or frame lines.

Create a Panel Assembly

Default Frame Origin

Set the Default Frame Origin

Panel Numbering

Panel Numbering

Edit a Panel

Edit Panel Properties

Set the Local Coordinate System of a Panel

Change the Panel Prefix

Renumber Panel Parts

Edit Panels in a Model

Delete a Panel

Panel Parts

Add Parts

Remove Parts

Define an Exceptional Mounting Method for a Part

Define a Non-updateable Part

Add a Part Cutout Zone

Replace Panel Pieces

Panel Drawings

A panel drawing shows different views of the panel and schedules of the panel parts. The panel drawing is based on the selected template drawing. By editing the properties of the panel drawing view, you can change the scale of the view as well as choose which parts are shown in the view and the drawing properties. You can add new views and dimension lines to the panel drawing.

Panel Drawings

Check Panel Drawing Status

Panel Drawing Views

Create a Panel Drawing

Open a Panel Drawing

External Objects to Panel Drawing

Add a View to a Panel Drawing

Add a Dimension Line to a Panel Drawing

Create Part Drawings

Open Part Drawings

Delete Part Drawings

  • You can also use these functions for managing truss drawings.
  • You can use the functions also for managing wall panels and wall panel drawings.
  • You can also use these functions for managing frame line panels or beam structure panels and their panel drawings.

Panel Stacking

You can create stack diagrams and stack diagram drawings of panels.

Panel Stacking