Check Part Drawing Status


You can check the part drawing status of the project’s panels, and create, open or delete the drawings, if necessary. You can view the part drawings of all panel types, or only the part drawings of desired types.

  1. Do either of the following:
    • Select Output | Panels and Trusses | Panel Drawings > Part Drawings. You can view the part drawings of all panel types.
    • Select the function in the project's document browser:
      1. Select Structural drawings, or one of its sub-branches, for example Wall panels, in which case you can only view the part drawings of the selected type.
      2. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
      3. Select Part Drawings.
  2. Check the status of the part drawings, and create, open or delete the drawings by using the dialog box functions, if necessary.

    The Part Drawings Dialog Box

  3. Click Exit to close the dialog box.