Save a Truss to the Library

After you have modeled a truss, you can save it to the truss library. You can only save trusses to a customer-specific library. First create the library, see Create a New Library.

  1. Activate the model window where the truss is.
  2. Select the truss volume you have modeled the parts to.

  3. Do either of the following:
    • Select Truss | Parts | Generate Parts.
    • Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu, and select Generate Parts.

    The Truss Structure dialog box opens. The parts of the modeled truss are displayed in the preview window.

  4. Select a customer-specific library from the Libraries list. The Save to library button is activated.
  5. Click Save to library. The Truss library dialog box opens.
  6. Define the library data of the truss in the dialog box.

    Library Data of a Truss

    If a truss exists with the same name, you will be prompted: Replace it? Select either of the following:

    1. Yes - The truss will replace the old truss with the same name.
    2. No - You can rename the truss in the Truss Library dialog box.
  7. Confirm by clicking OK.