Truss Locations in Wall Panel Drawing


Trusses perpendicular to the wall direction can be shown as external parts in the view of a wall panel drawing.

This requires, that the trusses contact the wall's frame layer. Enable the feature by editing the system settings.

Set the following keywords in the BDSXX / Structural element default settings / Exterior Wall Panel keyword group:

  • se_default= EWALL SHOW_TRUSSES 1

    Value 1 enables the feature. The default is 0.

  • se_default= EWALL SHOW_ONLY_DIST 500

    Defines the length of the truss part shown. The default is 500 mm.

You can define a similar setting for the interior walls in the Interior Wall Panel keyword group (IWALL).

The external object becomes visible in the panel drawing after you have updated the drawing and enabled the setting Show external parts for a view in the drawing.


  • You can dimension the truss locations by adding the dimension line PANEL070 "Trusses in wall panel" to the view.