Add Log Wall Labels

Log House Work Drawings

Add labels to all parallel walls as follows:

  1. Select the first wall.

  2. Select Log Wall | Face Drawing | Log Wall Labels.
  3. Select the location of the first label.

    The cursor will be constrained in the direction of the wall. Select the location of the label by clicking the left mouse button.

  4. Point the direction in which the labels increase.

    The cursor will be constrained in a perpendicular direction to the wall. Point the direction by clicking the left mouse button.

  5. Type the first label in the text window.

    The program will automatically add labels to all parallel walls.


  • One common label is given to all walls on the same line.
  • If you add a log wall later on the same line as a wall that already has a wall label, remove the old label and add a new one.
  • The direction of the wall label is determined by the keyword turn_log_wall_name in the LOGHOUSE setup file:

    turn_log_wall_name= 0 Label angle 0°, i.e. label always vertical.
    turn_log_wall_name= 1 Label in the viewing direction of the wall.
  • The viewing direction of the wall is defined in the LOGHOUSE file under the keyword log_wall_view_dir.

    Keywords Connected with Log Face Drawings

  • The size of the circle around the label is defined by the keyword log_wall_label_circle in the LOGHOUSE setup file. A positive value defines circle size as a factor relative to text height. A negative value defines a fixed radius for the circle. The default value is 0.75.
  • The object type of labels is Wall Labels.