Closed Spline (2D)


  • Draw a closed spline curve by clicking points. When you confirm the point selection as completed, the program also completes the curve between the first and last point you selected.
  • You cannot cut a spline curve with the line tools.
  • Later, you can select the spline curve to display the control points (= grips) of the curve. You can snap to these points and drag them to new locations.

Draw a closed spline curve

  1. Select Drafting | Lines | Line > Closed Spline.
  2. Select the line properties, if necessary.

    Line Properties

  3. Click the curve's control points.
    • Click at least 2 points for the curve.
  4. Select Confirm.

Example 1

  • 1...4: Curve control points are clicked.
  • 5: Drawing the closed spline curve is finished with the function Confirm.

Example 2: a closed spline curve with two points

  • You can also draw a closed spline curve by clicking the two points of a diagonal, as long as the points are not on the same horizontal or vertical axis.
  • 1..2: The points of the spline diagonal are clicked.
  • 3: Drawing the closed spline curve is finished with the function Confirm.