
Create a new extrusion feature

  1. Add a New Sketch.
  2. Sketch the shape to be extruded.
  3. Select OK.
  4. Select either Boss or Cutout according to whether you want add or remove material.
  5. Select Extrude.
  6. Enter the extrusion properties and select OK.
  • You can use a cutout feature to divide a part by selecting Make New Part.
  • Edit the data of a feature by first selecting the face formed by the feature, then selecting the context-sensitive function Edit Operation.
  • You can also edit the feature sketch by selecting the sketch in the feature tree, then selecting the context-sensitive function Edit Sketch.

Extruding a cross section

You can also create an extrusion based on a cross section.

  1. Select the face of the cross section.
  2. Select either of the following:
    • Extrude> Boss.
    • Extrude> Cutout.
  3. Define the extrusion properties in the dialog box.
  4. Select OK.

Example: Hole in the volume

Create holes in the part by extruding. Add a sketch to the face and extrude the sketch through the volume, cutting out material.