Cross Section

Define the sketch as a cross-section, and use the sketch later to form a volume. As an example, creating a sweep, loft, extrusion or revolve. Draw a new sketch, accept it and define it as a cross section.

  1. Open the part model in the working window. Browse - Archives
  2. Select the context-sensitive function New Sketch.
  3. Draw a sketch whose lines form a closed polyline.
  4. Select Confirm.
  5. Select Cross Section as the operation.
  6. Click OK.
  • Edit the cross-section sketch, when you select the cross section and the context-sensitive function Edit sketch.
  • Edit the cross-section sketch by selecting the sketch from the feature tree, and by the context-sensitive function Edit.
  • If the cross section is formed of a very complex and detailed outline, it can prevent the feature, for example a loft or a spiral, from being modeled because of computational reasons. Usually this can be resolved by making the cross section outline simpler.

Cross section on a guide curve

If you wish to position a cross section on a guide curve, you will need to define the guide curve before creating the cross section. Sketch the cross-section to the guide curve, or paste the copied cross-section to the sketch guide curve. The program will add a sketching coordinate system to the guide curve. The cross section lines will from a closed polyline.

Define a cross section to a guide curve as follows:

  1. First, select the guide curve.

  2. Select a line of a guide curve.
  3. Do either of the following:
    • Select the context-sensitive function New Sketch.
    • Add a copied cross-section sketch to the guide curve using the context-sensitive function Paste Sketch.
  4. Define the origin of the sketching face on the line.
  5. Draw the sketch of the cross-section, or edit the sketch you pasted.

  6. Select OK.
  7. Select as the sketch operation Cross Section, and select OK.