Materials - Sheet Metal Part

Sheet-Metal Design

Edit or save new sheet-metal material items.

  1. Select System | Databases | Application.
  2. Select Sheetmetal: Materials The Materials dialog box is opened.
Figure 1: Sheetmetal materials dialog box.

Editing the Material Data

  1. Select the row to edit from the list.
  2. Edit the field content.
    • Click the drop-down list in the field and select a new value.
      • In the Code field, you can select a code from the available items.
      • In the color field, you can select a color for a material from the Color Palette.
    • Select a field and enter new contents in the field.
    • If the cncKad program is enabled, you can select a material from the cncKad material selection.
  3. Finally, select OK.

Add, Delete, and Copy Row

  1. Select a row.
  2. Select one of the following context-sensitive functions:
    • Add Row - Fill in and select new material data.
    • Delete Row
    • Copy Row - Create a new material by copying from the database. Enter a code and edit the row information to the desired form.
    • Replace the Field Content