Tweaking Faces

Advanced Face Modeling Package

  1. On the tab, in the Faces group, click Tweak Faces.
  2. Define the tweak face data in the dialog box.
  3. Click OK.

In Context-sensitive Menu

You can fit the faces together by selecting the faces and trimming them to other surfaces in such a way that the adjacent faces continue naturally. You can utilize the free faces of other parts in the modeling.

Face tweaking is well suited for profile-like objects, but it can also be used on objects with other shapes.


For example, tweaking profiles.

  1. Select one or more part model faces for tweaking (Tweak Faces).

  2. Select the context-sensitive function Faces> Tweak faces.
  3. Define the tweak face data in the dialog box.
    • Select the Target Faces for the tweaking. Select the faces in such a way that they create a continuous chain of faces.

    • If possible, holes will be automatically removed from the target faces. Works with holes that are located entirely inside individual faces.
  4. Click OK.
  • The tweaking works most reliably when the target faces do not initially intersect with the object to be trimmed.
  • The faces to be tweaked must connect with the selected chain of faces if the chain to be trimmed is intended to extend to the chain in question.