Add a Part or Assembly in the Model Archive
- First add a part that you want to remain stationary when viewing the kinematics of the assembly.
- The part that was first added into the assembly is locked in place. It can later be released using the context-sensitive function
- The part that was first added into the assembly is locked in place. It can later be released using the context-sensitive function
- The parts’ exact position in relation to each other is defined with geometric constraints.
- After selecting the position of the part, the part label and, if necessary, other information, such as the description of the part, are displayed as the part label in the assembly tree. The suffix .L means that the part has a link to the original model.
Starting point
- The assembly model where parts are subassemblies are added is open and the model window is active.
- Parts and assemblies have been modeled to the model archive.
Add parts or assemblies to the assembly (use the "add browser")
- Start adding parts
- Select or
- Select the contextual function:
Add >
- The program opens a browser in add mode.
- Browse the archive and select an archived model (part or assembly):
- Double-click the model or
- Click the model and select the contextual function
- If there are several configurations in the selected model, select the configuration that you wish to add to the assembly.
- Select an auxiliary function for adding a model, if necessary.
- You can rotate the model.
- You can change its reference point by using the auxiliary function
Select reference point.
- You can create a pattern of it by selecting the auxiliary function
Create pattern.
- If your assembly contains configurations, you can select the auxiliary function
Added instance is visible only at active configuration.
- Auxiliary Functions for Adding a Model
- Click the model position or positions in the assembly.
- If necessary, limit the cursor snap by selecting
Line or
Face on the toolbar.
Note that the program can add an automatic coincidence constraint between the part to be added and the selected part if you click the position from a part.
- If you want to add the same model more than once, select the positions of the next models.
- If necessary, limit the cursor snap by selecting
- Select Confirm to stop adding the selected model. (Confirm = V key, middle mouse button or the context-sensitive function
- The program opens the browser and displays the same folder from which you picked the previous model
- If necessary, select another model to add from the archive, and repeat steps 3 to 6.
- Quit adding parts
- Select another function or
- Press the Esc key.
Alternative adding method, use a base browser
- Open the (base) browser by pressing the B key.
- Browse the archive and select a model
- Click the model and select the contextual function
Add or
- Select the model and drag it for a small distance and release the mouse button.
Note that double-clicking opens the model for editing, unlike the above, where the browser in the add mode was used.
- Click the model and select the contextual function
- Continue as above, steps 3...5.
- Quit adding parts
- Select another function or
- Press the Esc key or
- Press the V key or
- Press the middle mouse button or
- Select the context-sensitive function
Note: If you add a part so that it hits the origin point of the assembly model that is visible, the part will get the point-to-point coincidence constraint with the assembly origin.
- If the default planes are visible, that coincidence constraint will not be created.
- The origin point of an assembly can be shown and hidden with the setting File >
User Preferences >
Drawings, Models > View tab > Model group > Show model origin.