Restore Hidden Parts

You can restore a selected part/subassembly (or selected parts/subassemblies), all hidden parts or restore the configuration's hide state.

Restore a selected part (or selected parts)

  1. Select one or more hidden parts or subassemblies from the assembly tree.
  2. Select the context-sensitive function Restore. More options...Less options...
    • (OR) Press the H key.

Note that the hidden part is also highlighted in the assembly tree if you click the part label in the assembly tree. The part will be hidden again as soon as you move the cursor away from the part's label.

Restore all hidden parts and subassemblies

  1. Move the cursor to the working window.
  2. Select the context-sensitive function Restore Hidden. More options...Less options...
    • (OR) Press Ctrl+Shift+H.

Restore the configuration's hide state.

  1. Move the cursor to the working window.
  2. Select the context-sensitive function Restore Configuration's State.
Note: This function also hides parts or subassemblies if there are visible parts which are hidden in the configuration.