Color of Hidden Lines in Drawing Projections

If hidden lines are drawn in dashed lines in the drawing projection, the dashed lines can be drawn in a different color than other geometry lines.

Black is the default color for hidden lines. You can select another color in the settings.

Projection Settings dialog box

As an example, a part model.

  1. Hidden Lines
  2. Hidden Lines

Defining the Color of Hidden Lines in the Settings

  1. Select System Preferences Edit.
  2. Select Administrator's View.
  3. Open the keyword group menu.param.
  4. Select Default Line Insert Parameters.
  5. Select the cell: linep_set(4) 2 0.25 4 3 0  (HIDELINE) (default)
  6. Define the line properties in the Value field: Layer (1), Line width (2), Line type (3), Scale (4), and Color (5).

    Enter the pmap color number Pen color (numerical order) 196

    For example: 2 0.25 4 3 196

  7. Select OK.