New Folder in the Symbol Browser

You can add a new folder and subfolder to the browser.

  • New Folder in the Symbol Browser
  • New Sub Folder in the Symbol Browser

New Folder in the Symbol Browser

  1. Create a new symbol in the symbol editor.

    Symbol Editor

  2. Save symbol as the name in the dialog box.
    • Select the Library in the drop-down list. As an example, CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS or HD_SYMBOLS.
    • Fill in the library data of the symbol.
  3. In the Browser Folder field, do either of the of the followings:
    • Select the folder in the drop-down list.
    • Type the name of the new folder in the Browser Folder field.
  4. Select Update.

New Sub Folder in the Symbol Browser

  1. Fill in the symbol data, Description and Type.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • Select the Browser folder in the drop-down list.
    • Enter the new folder in the field Browser Folder.
  3. Separate the sub folder using the (/) - slash sign.

    As an example, type the folder as follows:

    • DoubleContacts/Opening
    • DoubleContacts/Closing
    • Pumps and motors/Pumpmotors

    As an example, view in the Symbol Library.

    As an example, view in the list Symbol Components, Double-Contacts.

  4. Select Update browser.
  5. Select OK.