Use the Scales Autofree and Autofix
- These special scales are intended for example for drawings of product automation systems, where the geometry of the model may vary as a result of variation, but the projections are nevertheless wanted to fit in the area of the drawing reserved for them.
- Scales require separately drawn boundary lines of the projection area, which are explained under the heading Defining projection area boundary lines.
Autofree scale
The projection is scaled to the area defined by the rectangle, based on the calculated scale.
- Note that in this case, the scale does not follow any mechanical drawing standard scale.
- When the size of the model changes and the drawing is updated, the projection fills the indicated area as completely as possible, thus changing the scale.
Autofix scale
The projection searches for the preselected scales that best fills the area, but does not exceed the area.
- In this case, the scale is one of the preselected scales, i.e. by default it follows the scales according to mechanical drawing standards.
- When the size of the model changes and the drawing is updated, a scale from the preselection list is selected for the projection, based on which the projection can fit as large as possible in the indicated area.
Define the Autofree or Autofix scale
- Select a projection.
- Select the sclae Autofree or Autofix.
- Click the boundary line.
- The boundary line must be a continuous rectangular line chain.
- OK.
Defining project area boundary lines
The boundary lines must be a rectangular continuous line, i.e. a line chain that can be selected with a single click.
Draw the line with either Polyline,
Rectangle, or
Two-point Rectangle function.
- If you draw boundary lines with the
Polyline function, use the
Continuous line auxiliary function.
- The auxiliary function can be found in the context-sensitive menu.
- The menu is displayed when you see a "row of boxes" next to the cursor and click the right mouse button.
- If you draw the boundary lines with the
Rectangle or
Two-point rectangle function, merge the lines.
- Merge the lines with the function: Drawing | Line Tools | Stretch >
Concatenate Lines
- Merge the lines with the function: Drawing | Line Tools | Stretch >
If you wish to hide the boundary lines, move the continuous line chain to layer 110 (hidden layer).
You can edit the boundary line position
- Click the boundary line.
- A square grip point appears at the center of the boundary line to move the entire area.
- A triangle appears in the middle of the lines, which allows you to move a single border line.
- Select a grip point and drag the line to a new location.
- Release the cursor.
- Update the drawing with the Update function to recalculate the projection size based on the changed boundary lines.