Numbering Order of Floor and Roof Panels


The order in which the floor and roof panels are numbered can be controlled with the keyword se_pnl_sortdir in the system settings. By default, the roof panels are numbered from bottom to top and from left to right in the slope direction. The keyword is of the following format:

se_pnl_sortdir= [VXTYPE_MAIN_TYPE] [DIR1] [DIR2]

[VXTYPE_MAIN_TYPE] is the panel type to which the rule applies.

[DIR1] is the first numbering direction.

[DIR2] is the second numbering direction.

Allowed values for the [DIR1] parameter are:

  • LX (local x direction, from left to right)
  • -LX (local x direction, from right to left)

Allowed values for the [DIR2] parameter are:

  • LY (local y direction, from eave to ridge)
  • -LY (local y direction, from ridge to eave)


se_pnl_sortdir= ROOF LX LY

Roof panels are numbered from left to right and from eave to ridge.