Presentation of the Cross Section of a Part


You can set the presentation method of the cross section of a part in a section view to either a hatch or a cross. The part can be a joist in a floor or roof panel or a stud in a wall panel. Set the method of presentation in the PROFPROP file in the profile library.

The property data of a profile library is defined in the PROFPROP file. The customer-specific profile libraries are located in the ../custom/proflibrary folder. The profile libraries provided by the software supplier are located in the ../system/proflibrary folder. Make a backup copy of the PROFPROP file before editing it.

  • Cross

    The method of presentation of the cross section is cross if the PROFPROP file contains the following rows:

    geomprop= SECT.FIG CROSS


    The drawing properties of the cross are defined in the system's line settings with the line name PIECE.SECT.

    Please note that presentation as hatch is disabled by adding a comment mark (exclamation mark) as the first character in the row "geomprop= SECT.PROP PIECE.WD".

    !geomprop= SECT.PROP PIECE.WD

  • Hatch

    The presentation of the cross section is hatch, if the PROFPROP file contains the following rows:

    geomprop= SECT.PROP PIECE.WD

    The drawing properties of the hatch are defined in the system's hatch settings with the hatch name PIECE.WD. The default is hatch.

    Please note that presentation as cross is disabled by adding a comment mark (exclamation mark) as the first character in the row "geomprop= geomprop= SECT.FIG CROSS:

    !geomprop= SECT.FIG CROSS

  • The method of presentation of existing parts remains unchanged. To update the new presentation method for the existing panels, update the profiles from the library and after that the section views.
  • The program does not need to be restarted for the changes to apply.