Wrapped Mask

SHADER TYPE: Wrapped Mask

Wrapped Mask is a transparency type that defines the transparency of a surface according to the red color channel of a given image file. The given image file is used as a cover mask, where the red color channel of the image is translated into transparency values. The value 0, where the color does not contain red, yields a transparent surface, and the value 1, where the color is pure red, yields an opaque surface. Different values of red yield different degrees of transparency.

Parameter: Explanation: Default value: Possible values and comments:
File Name Name of the image file "" jpg, tiff, targa, bmp, lwi files: as a default, the program searches for the file in the lw directory

In this example, the color used is a raster image, and the image file used as the cover mask is the image shown below.

In this example, the color used is a raster image, and the image file used as the cover mask is the image shown below.

In this example, the color used is a raster image, and the image file used as the cover mask is the image shown below.

  • To be visible in visualization, the transparency features require at least the Full rendering method. The rendering method is selected from the model window's Shading settings.