Layers Visible on the Drawing Sheet
The layers that are activated by default on the drawing sheet are defined on the drawing sheet of the template used. The defaults are active when the drawing sheet is opened and activated for the first time.
Next time you open the drawing sheet, the layers that were active when the drawing was last saved will be activated on the sheet.
You can edit the visibility of the layers in two ways:
- Select
Select Layers From List from the tool strip to edit the visibility of the drawing sheet layers. This is the preferred way.
- Edit the visibility of the layers in a reference drawing by selecting Modeling | Drafting |
Reference Drawings >
Select Layers.
The TEMPL-ZLEVEL template project included in the basic software delivery includes preset drawing sheets for floor plan drawings and elevation drawings. Appropriate reference drawing layers are visible on sheets by default.
Try hiding or displaying the following layers, for example:
- Floor plan
- 31 Wall color fill
- 56 Room Hatch
- 59 Component color fill
- 92 Dimension Constraints
- Elevation drawing
- 19 Wall hatch patterns
- 104 Roof hatch patterns