Hide a Panel Layer but Leave the Parts Visible


Hide the space reservation of a panel layer but leave the layer parts visible as follows:

  1. Activate the frame model.
  2. Open the floor branch in the object tree.
  3. For example, open the branch Panels / Wall panel.
  4. Open a panel branch.
  5. Select a layer, Sheathing, for example.
  6. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  7. Select Hide This

Then, you can hide individual parts of the layer. You can restore the space reservation of the layer as follows:

  1. Select the floor of the panel in the object tree.
  2. Right-click to open the context-sensitive menu.
  3. Select either of the following:
    • Restore - Restores the layer's space reservation and all the layer's parts to view.
    • Restore This - Restores the layer's space reservation to view, but ignores the hidden parts.