Edit a Profile Part in an Assembly

You can edit the geometry of a profile part by selecting the profile part you want to edit from an assembly.

The rest of the geometry of the assembly is displayed as a wireframe around the selected profile part, and the feature history of the profile part selected for editing, is displayed in the assembly tree.

The Profile Sweep feature creates the basic geometry of the profile part.

You can edit the feature data, and model new ones if necessary.

  1. Select the profile part to be edited from the assembly.
  2. Select the context-sensitive function Edit. The feature history of the profile part is displayed in the assembly tree.
  3. Edit the existing basic geometry of the profile part as follows:
    • Select the Profile Sweep feature from the feature tree and the context-sensitive Edit Feature function.
    • Edit the sweep data.
    • Edit the trimming of the profile ends.
    • Click OK.
  4. If necessary, continue modeling the profile using other features.
  5. Exit part's editing mode back to the assembly by selecting the OK function.