Edit Library Browser Settings
Edit the browser settings by selecting
Edit Settings. The settings are browser-specific.

- Case sensitive
- When the setting is enabled, the quick search and the exact search are case-sensitive.
- Instant quick search
- Select one of the following:
- Not in use - The program only performs a search when you click the search button or press the Enter key.
- Search All Fields - The instant quick search is enabled. The program searches for the character string from all fields. The program performs the search immediately after typing the character string without clicking a search button or pressing the Enter key.
- Search Code - The instant quick search is enabled. The program searches for the character string from the document label. The program performs the search immediately after typing the character string without clicking a search button or pressing the Enter key.
- Sort Directions and View Styles
- By default, libraries and their components are sorted alphabetically in the right side browser pane by the first column. You can change the order by clicking on the header of another column. The selection remains in the memory. To restore the default order for all folders, click Clear Sort Directions.