Edit a Subassembly
You can open the subassembly selected from the assembly or its subassembly in the same working window for editing.
- The rest of the assembly’s geometry appears dimmed around the selected subassembly.
- In the subassembly being edited, you can perform all operations typical of an assembly, such as adding or removing parts, creating a new part or a new subassembly, modifying parts in the subassembly, or defining constraints between parts of the subassembly.
Edit a Subassembly
- Open the subassembly to be edited.
- To a new window - Select the name of the subassembly from the assembly tree, and then the context-sensitive function Open model.
- To be edited in the assembly - Double-click the subassembly symbol in the assembly tree, or select the context-sensitive function Edit.
- Edit a Model
- All functions related to assembly processing are available.
- Exit the part editing view to the assembly
- Select the function
OK, if you want to save the changes you have made to the assembly.
- The subassembly's thumbnail is updated.
- The assembly's weight calculation is updated automatically, if you have earlier performed the weight calculation of the assembly.
- Select the function
Exit, if you want to discard the changes you have made.
- Select the function
- You can select a subassembly from the assembly tree by clicking a part belonging to it in the assembly model while pressing the Alt key. The next-level assembly becomes selected instead, if the part is not at the currently edited assembly level. If there are several intermediate levels and you wish to select one of them, press the Alt key and reclick the same part.