Save a New Feature as a Library Feature
Save the part as the feature to the feature library. The function will open the Windows Save As dialog box, which you can use to save the file. The file type for library features is vxm. Saving a profile feature differs introduced here.
- Before saving the part as the library feature, make the part geometry editable, and add the handle to the part.Note: The handle must exist in the part, because it controls the part position.
- If the position succeed when if in the part is the handle.
- Define variables for the geometric constraints of the part's sketch and, if necessary, for the feature properties.
- Create the dimension table. Based on this table, you can define the geometric properties of the finished library feature when adding the feature to a part. You can also define the size of the feature by clicking a diameter end length from a model.
- The origin of the part's first sketch will become the handle of the finished library feature (default). If the point is not suitable for use as the handle of the library feature, you can define a new handle after finishing the part geometry..
At the end save the part as the library feature to the library.
- Select the context-sensitive function .
- If necessary, create a new folder.
- Select the folder in which you wish to save the library feature.
- Enter the file name.
Naming a File
- Select Save.
- You cannot save a part handled as a surface model in the feature library.
- Begin the creation of a library feature by defining a document as a new part and model the geometry of the feature.
- You can also save a feature whose geometry cannot be edited in the feature library. When you add such a feature, the dimension table will not be displayed, but you can position the feature after selecting it.
- When the library feature is saved, also the Browser thumbnail image file of the feature is automatically saved.
- If you wish to edit the geometry of the library feature later, open the model from the feature directory with the Import function. Edit the model and save it again in to the feature library with the same file name.
- You can delete or rename a subdirectory in the feature library through Windows File Explorer. You can also delete or rename a library feature, provided that you rename both library feature files. Notice the naming rule.